~Quote for the Day~

What is the meaning of life? To Be hapy and useful.~ HH the Dalai Lama

Beginnings of Real Talk 24/7

First off, I would like to introduce myself to those of you that want to get to know the mind behind the madness. I am 28 years old a mother of three and a real person. I have been married and divorced. I have dealt with the unspeakable and the unimaginable. I have triumphed and fallen. I have learned so many lessons in my life and I know I still have so much more to learn.

Real Talk 24/7 is my form of therapy for life. I see so much going on in the world, and have so much to say about EVERYTHING. You may laugh, cry and want to cuss me out. But, that is the benefit of being me. I have no one to impress, so I say exactly what is on my mind. And I am open to constructive criticism or any criticism at all, I am not at all a woes is me kinda girl so, share your thoughts. All I ask is to keep it tasteful. I form no judgments and I expect to receive the same respect. I simply want the world to see that there is nothing out there so bad so unthinkable that any one person can not get through. Because Real Talk, I have dealt with it ALL and I have survived.

So, with all that said and done I hope to give my two cents on anything and everything. It's a crazy world and I live a crazy life and you are most definitely going to be reading about it. And believe at times that I am very much like Wendy Williams and Kathy Griffin no holds bared. But, I do promise you, I'll try my best to have the facts as well as speak my mind.

Enjoy and thank you so much for stopping by Real Talk 24/7

Tonya R.

Wendy Williams

The Queen of Radio


Wendy Williams (Hunter) has it going on. Her tremendously successful radio career spans 20 years with 15 of them spent on the air in New York City. Now, Wendy’s outstanding career in media includes a number one radio show on 107.5 WBLS called The Wendy Williams Experience, a television show on VH1 called Wendy Williams is on Fire, and two (2) New York Times best sellers, Wendy’s Got The Heat by Simon & Schuster and her latest book, The Wendy Williams Experience by Dutton Books as well as her current novel, Drama Is Her Middle Name by Harlem Moon/Broadway Books.

Wendy Williams Show on BET @ 11 pm/10 c

Wendy Williams Experience can be herd on 107.5 WBLS or on VH1.

Kathy Griffin

Emmy award winning Chicago native, Kathy Griffin, a multi-faceted performer with a rapid fire wit, is probably best known for her four-year stint on the NBC sitcom "Suddenly Susan" as Vickie Groener, Brooke Shields' acerbic colleague.

In August 2005 Kathy's reality show, "Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List ", debuted on Bravo to rave reviews. It has a successful run resulting in "My Life On The D-List" winning 2 YES People! 2 EMMY'S! Seasons three and four won that prize back-to-back in September of 2007 and 2008.

Kathy Griffin

My Life on the D-List Mondays on Bravo @ 10 pm

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